
We are the Ohio Cushings!! Living & Laughing in Cleveland....snowy Cleveland. Dennis, Kristin, Travis, Kady, Camden and Carly too!!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Next Blog

Blogging has definitely caught on. We're probably considered late comers. There are times that I just click on the "next blog" button in the upper right corner and check out what someone else is thinking about, typing about, posting pictures about, etc.

if you get to one and there's no "next blog" in the corner, just click on your back button and click next blog again - you'll go somewhere different!

Some are VERY COOL.
some are not.
some are in very different languages
some are sad

Some people out there really have a lot on their minds
some are political rants & raves
some have incredible graphics
some are simple

Some are religious
some are philosophical
some are of kids, families, pets
some are random thoughts of the writer - maybe just 1 or 2 sentences a day

They are ALL unique!!

So go on, try it - click in the upper right...you never will get the same blog twice!


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