BIG Week for our Little Boy

Wow. Not even 2 years old, yet growing every day.
Every day new things, new reasons to smile. Amazing.
God has blessed our family tremendously!!
This was a BIG week for Camden. He went from sleeping in his crib to sleeping in a regular "big boy" bed. Night time AND naps. bye bye to 1 crib!! Yahoo!!
Check out the picture. He even sleeps in a big boy bed when at Gramma's house! All we have to do is take a bedrail, and he's all set! Wow, what a great transitional moment! He does get told "DO NOT GET OUT OF THIS BED" multiple times when getting tucked in, and after the first 2 nights, he really understands - either that, or he realizes that sleeping in the bed is much softer than sleeping on the floor [which is where we found him the first 2 mornings.]
So, this summer, one of our two cribs will be taking a trip to NY - never to return!! [Enjoy Scott & Jen!]
But wait, there's more...
On a whim, we brought the potty out of the closet. It was probably a subconscious effort to get to only changing one rear end multiple times per day [yes, Carly's - although she's now in size 3 diapers]. Initially, Camden didn't want anything to do with the potty, it was fun to look at, but [and yes, I use that term loosely, and with only 1 "t"] he wouldn't sit on it.
Well, one evening before bathtime, he decided to sit on it. And then he pushed....and then, HOORAYs in the house!! Camden went #2 on the potty!! A breakthrough! We praised his triumph for 20 minutes. We flushed it and waved goodbye [Yes, Camden too!]
No picture for that moment, sorry.
We tried the next day = nothing, the next = nothing. and so it goes. I guess we got lucky. We still try - he sits on it every morning before getting dressed, and every evening before putting on his pjs. I think we did have another success, but we've been stuck at 2 poops in the potty since.
But wait, there's more...[told you it was a BIG Week!!]
In recent weeks it had become a struggle to put our smallest son into his booster seat at the table. He never seemed to want to stay in it for long. He also frequently would want to sit at the table, just to sit there, and/or to color like his big sister. So this week, we put his booster seat in the basement - to await his little sister, when she's good and ready.
No problems! He stays at the table just fine! He loves it! and so do we!! PLUS, we now have one more chair available for company, to use while changing lightbulbs, or getting stuff waaay up in the closet...
My oh My - how they grow...
My oh My - how they grow...
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