Playing Games
This picture was taken in 1985. We were in Australia at the time. Yes, I have a cast on my right arm. I broke my wrist while playing baseball. It didn't, however, stop me from playing games.
My Dad LOVED to play games. Eventually he instilled this quality in all of his children - as we are ALL gamers. You name the game, and we'll try it [after we read the rules, of course!] I'll bet I've played over 5,000 different games in my life.
From the game of Life to Monopoly, Chess, Old Maid, Spades, Euchre, Blockhead, Trivial Pursuit, Concentration, Stratego, Master Mind, Murder She Wrote, Run Me Ragged, Yahtzee, Tripoley, Cribbage, Quiddler, Acquire, Backgammon, Rummicube, Dominoes, The Stock Market Game, Careers, and on and on and on. The competitive spirit was very alive in my father - 24/7.
Playing games with him meant you had to be competitive. I felt I always had to win. When I was very young, I'd cry if I didn't win. But my Dad taught me that losing - from time to time - happened to everyone. As long as I had fun, and maybe even learned something [like how to win next time!] that was all that mattered. From time to time discussions about the rule(s) of a particular game would get extensive and sometimes even heated. Nonetheless, we'd eventually come to an agreement and play on. And we'd always, always come back for more.
Every Christmas meant we'd get new games. Some were big hits [Jackpot Yahtzee, Bargain Hunter, Sorry] and we'd play until the pieces fell apart; some were not [anyone remember The Ungame? I think we literally played it once.] But next year we'd get new ones. We always played a game after opening Christmas presents. And sometimes we didn't have to wait until Christmas. Other times, instead of a new game, we'd settle for a old family favorite like Fan Tan, Hearts, or 4-player Solitaire.
In most games, my Dad always seemed to be "the marked man". Every time we played a game, the objective - according to my mother - was to "get Dad". The card game of Hearts would be a great example of this. My mother's one desire during the entire game was to play the Queen of Spades on my father. If she had the Queen, she'd do anything to get a chance to play it on a trick where my father had the highest card. She would get such tremendous joy from nailing him with those 13 points it was indescribable. It may only happen once a game, but once was enough for my Mom.
As a fitting tribute, we placed a Queen of Spades in Dad's right hand when he was buried.
Now that I have a family of my own, when we play games - you guessed it, the objective is to "get Dad". It makes me feel good in a strange way. I now know how my Dad felt - everyone rooting against him. He still took on the challenge, used his skills & strategies, and more times than not, still won the game. I intend on continuing that legacy.
Now, if you'll excuse me, my 4 yr old daughter wants to play a game of Blokus.
At 9:02 PM, Anonymous said…
PRECIOUS MEMORIES even though it made me cry!! I loved reading your compliments regarding our family playing all those "FUN" games!! It sure was fun always trying to "Get Dad" and he loved it too!! Just like you do today!! THANKS for the wonderful memories!!
Love ya,
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