The Ohio Cushings have summer birthdays. Five of them. All in July and August. Three of them within 10 days of each other and an anniversary. And then there is Cam. Our wonderful Easter surprise. The perfectly planned teacher's baby.
Camden is two. Yes, you have all read the trials and tribulations of the "terrible twos" that hit the Cushing household when Cam turned 15 months old (you do the math, we are so incredibly lucky to get an extra 9 months of them!)...but he is now officially two.
Saturday marked the turning of the page for Camden. He got a new boys bike from Gramma and Grampa for his birthday. What was his response? "It's NOT Pink!" All that cuteness and a sense of humor, too.
So, not only does Camden get a bike of his own that isn't pink, he gets a day of his own, in a month of his own. But he has to share the cupcakes.
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