What on earth went on during the month of October? As far as I recall, there were no blackouts, no blizards, not a single torrential downpour in Northestern, Southwestern, or anywhere Ohio for that matter, and now the "disease" has spread even farther south --- to Tennessee!!!!
What disease you ask?
Pregnancy. That's what. Over the past two weeks, we have been told by at least 5 of our couple friends that they are joining or rejoining the wonderful world of parenting.
While heartfelt congratulations are sent out, I can't help be a bit self-reflecting.
I am eternally greatful for my three children, and even moreso that we are DONE having them. Nights, although Carly mostly sleeps thru them, are spent with one ear open for a crying child. Any of them.
Camden was napping yesterday and woke up with bloodcurdling screams. After going upstairs, he was laying in his crib w/his legs hanging out of the slats. His vocabulary is limited, He IS still a baby ya know, but clear as the nose on your face, he looked at me with these sad blue eyes and said, "I tuk, I tuk" .... Yep, even a 20 month old knew he was stuck. And big time. But I digress....
I am also very excited for the families that will be blessed with children. One of the couples has been trying for a baby for longer than I spent pregnant with the last two. (which, if you know me at all, was the gestation of a freakin elephant!!!) One of the couples, who has been married a few years longer than Dennis and I, will be having their first (And after visiting with us yesterday, they were thinking the first would be the ONLY!!!) the end of July.
It's going to be a busy summer. But the Cushing kids can't wait to meet their new playmates.
Congrats to you all.
What disease you ask?
Pregnancy. That's what. Over the past two weeks, we have been told by at least 5 of our couple friends that they are joining or rejoining the wonderful world of parenting.
While heartfelt congratulations are sent out, I can't help be a bit self-reflecting.
I am eternally greatful for my three children, and even moreso that we are DONE having them. Nights, although Carly mostly sleeps thru them, are spent with one ear open for a crying child. Any of them.
Camden was napping yesterday and woke up with bloodcurdling screams. After going upstairs, he was laying in his crib w/his legs hanging out of the slats. His vocabulary is limited, He IS still a baby ya know, but clear as the nose on your face, he looked at me with these sad blue eyes and said, "I tuk, I tuk" .... Yep, even a 20 month old knew he was stuck. And big time. But I digress....
I am also very excited for the families that will be blessed with children. One of the couples has been trying for a baby for longer than I spent pregnant with the last two. (which, if you know me at all, was the gestation of a freakin elephant!!!) One of the couples, who has been married a few years longer than Dennis and I, will be having their first (And after visiting with us yesterday, they were thinking the first would be the ONLY!!!) the end of July.
It's going to be a busy summer. But the Cushing kids can't wait to meet their new playmates.
Congrats to you all.