What are your priorities? Think about it for a while…
Get a new car?
Catch up on some Sleep?
Go on Vacation?
Hit your Sales Goals?
Get to work on time?
Buy a new dress?
Pay all your bills?
Clean that bathroom?
See the latest movie?
Get a new Xbox/PSP/Playstation?
Win at Fantasy Football?
I’d have to jump in and say, “Hey!! You’re missing one!! => Hanging with your kids!!”
Sometimes we tend to move too fast through our lives to realize how much our kids enjoy just being with us. Jobs, Holidays, laundry to do, dishes to wash, rooms to vacuum, piles of junk mail, the list goes on and on.
See the picture above? That’s one room in our house. A mess, yes. [we lovingly call it the “Hurricane zone”] But do you think our kids care? NO WAY! They won’t remember how messy our house was tonight. They don’t care – or even know – how much laundry we have to do tonight. They will remember how much fun we had together. That room didn't get messy by itself. Toys were played with, kids were tickled, daddies were jumped on [yes, there!], daughters dressed up like princesses, etc. etc. etc......Isn’t that what it’s really about?
If you have kids – spend time with them. Play with them. Be silly with them. They just want to have fun. A child’s laughter is magic. The gleam in their eyes can melt your heart. You’ll only get to see/hear that if you are around. You can catch up on your chores later. Your chores won’t enjoy you as much as your kids will. Your chores will ALWAYS be there…..your kids won’t!!
There’s a really good saying about Priorities that can be found as a picture frame, refrigerator magnet, or other chotchkee [or whatever they’re called]. It goes like this:
“A hundred years from now it won’t matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove…but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.”
At 2:44 AM,
Aaron said…
You are so right about this! I just posted something similar yesterday after having to watch the kids alone this weekend. Me thinks we are going through some of the same things with our 3 little ones right now.
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