Sisters ....

Looking at my girls recently, I sat and thought of my mother and her sisters. They are all so close, and OH SO different. There isn't much they won't do for each other--- just look at the photo from July --- Aunt Judy got the sisters in foamy flamingo sunglasses for Jenn's bridal shower. Like anyone would get those and wear them willingly (unless, of course, you are a Parma native, then they are the must have item of the season!).
Got me to wondering .... Would MY girls have that kind of relationship when they get older? Will they be THAT close? The only answer I could come up with is --- I certainly hope so. The sounds of the car ride yesterday lead me to believe I'm on the right track.
Running errands, on what was going to be a normal Sunday out and about, Carly starts busting out laughing. For no apparent reason. Just tiny giggles and a great big belly laugh from a peanut. And don't forget the snort. That's when I knew something was up .... you the Rodeo, Carly is still in the middle. Facing backwards, looking at absolutely nothing. What a boring way to take a trip. Unless you are sitting next to a very energetic four year old. Turns out, her big sister was making her bust out laughing....Her sister was playing with her, tickling her, and teasing her to the point of snort.
That made me come back to the picture of my mother and her sisters...and how different they are. And how much alike they are. And it makes me think .... Can my girls be that alike/that different/and that close??? Yesterday was a good start....I hope.